About Us
The Goal of Wall Economic Development is to improve the quality of life of residents in Wall, to build wealth of the community.
Continue to be a dynamic community that future generations can call home.
Be a catalyst to encourage, facilitate and empower community members to generate dynamic growth in our community.
Annual WEDC Investment:
Contributing to WEDC Means:
- Eligible to serve on the Board of Directors
- Eligible attend Board meetings
- Voting rights at the WEDC annual meeting
- Targeted name recognition on social media sites
- Included on WEDC email correspondence
- Email updates on ED activities
- Opportunity to strengthen our community through committee work
- WEDC Newsletter features
- Discounted workshops
- Referrals (recommend our members as resources to any business looking for product or service)
- Job posts through social media
2022 Investment Levels:
Gold Business: $500
- Receives a scrolling logo on the WEDC website with a link to its own website
- Investor name listed on WEDC website
- Placement as an investor on the banners during the Annual meeting and Drive-In movie nights
Business: $100
- Business name listed on WEDC website
Individual: $50
- Investor name listed on WEDC website