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Last fall, we were proud to host a breakfast event to highlight the Build Dakota Scholarship program and its statewide workforce initiative. The gathering brought together local businesses, community leaders, and school administrators to discuss how Wall can leverage this program to encourage more students to pursue skilled trades and...

The Mailbox Program is a special initiative that partners with local businesses to honor our graduating seniors. Each senior receives a personalized mailbox with their last name displayed on the side, filled with thoughtful items contributed by our local businesses.This gift serves as a practical and symbolic gesture—encouraging our students...

Quinn Moon 2024 Faith Frink 2025 Patrick Trask 2026 Youth Leadership on Our Board We’re proud to involve high school students as active members of our board. Each year, we select a student from the Junior class to serve a two-year term, ensuring we always have representation from both a Junior and a...

Supporting Workforce Growth: New Worker Relocation ProgramTo address workforce needs and support our local businesses, we’ve implemented the New Worker Relocation Program for our business investors. This program is designed to assist individuals and families who relocate to Wall for full-time employment with in-town employers.The program offers several benefits, including:•...

WEDC Revolving Loan Fund: Supporting Local Business GrowthOur Revolving Loan Fund is fully operational, with $15,000 added annually over the past three years, bringing the total to $45,000 available for loans. We’ve also partnered with the West River Foundation for Economic and Community Development to provide access to additional funding...

As many of you know, housing remains in short supply in Wall and the Black Hills area. The City of Wall has worked diligently to address this challenge by putting infrastructure in place, resulting in ready-to-build land. Progress has already been made, with new housing developed in Echo Park and...

This summer, Black Hills Energy utilized a grant to conduct a site survey along the I-90 corridor and throughout the Black Hills area. This survey has been instrumental in refining our Request for Information (RFI) responses, allowing us to better promote and market the available land in our Industrial Park.We...

Wall Economic Development Corporation Annual Meeting RecapThe Wall Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) held its annual meeting on November 20th, celebrating a successful year and exciting future developments.Dawn Hilgenkamp opened the meeting by welcoming attendees and introducing Dr. Rochan Burrell, the new Economic Development Director. Dr. Burrell shared her inspiring journey...

As the year comes to a close, it’s a natural time to reflect on the journey so far. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share my story.My name is Dr. Rochan Burrell, and I was born in eastern South Dakota, raised in Rapid City, and graduated...