March 2017
1 Mar 2017
WEDC is busy as ever. We have been working hard with several community members on housing ideas and plans, reaching community development goals through the Marketing Hometown America program, and planning for the future workforce by getting creative with how we reach Wall’s students.
This month, WEDC will highlight what to watch for in March and show you how you can make a difference in Wall!
What is WEDC up to?
Helping Business Stay and Grow in Wall
WEDC started outreach for Business Retention and Expansion Visits in February. The phrase “Business Retention and Expansion Visits” may seem formal and potentially intimidating, but this could not be further from the truth! The visits are essentially a way for WEDC to discuss your business needs, where you are excelling, where your business may need support and how WEDC can help.
If you see workforce as a challenge, talk to WEDC! If you want to expand but do not know where to start, talk to WEDC! If you have questions about your business, but are not sure where to go, talk to WEDC! These visits give us an opportunity to learn more about your business and make sure we are providing valuable resources.
If you have not responded to WEDC to set up a meeting, please do so right away!
Planning for the Future Workforce
WEDC is always working to find new ways to recruit and retain Wall’s workforce. For the second year, WEDC is partnering with the Badlands Bad River Regional Economic Development Partnership to organize a job fair. The Badlands Bad River Regional Job Fair and Business Expo is set for 1 pm – 6 pm, Tuesday, March 28th, at the Philip School Fine Arts Building.
This is not your typical job fair. The event is not focused only on businesses that are hiring. If your business is not hiring, this event will provide the opportunity to showcase your business to the region; Share what you do, how you do it, and discuss future employment opportunities. Educational institutions will be there to discuss the connection between education and careers. That is not all! There will be resource providers available to discuss how they can help your business grow as well as help you find additional ways recruit and retain employees.
If your business or organization is interested in participating in the job fair, call me, Cheyenne McGriff, at 605-279-2658 or Mary Burnett at 605-441-2059.
Marketing Hometown (Wall) to America
50+ community members have been actively engaged in the Marketing Hometown America Project. The project started in January and ever since, community members have been working together and sharing ideas about how we can improve the Wall community. All of these ideas will be showcased during the Marketing Hometown America Action Forum on March 24th! “March into the Future” with us from 5:30 pm – 7 pm in the Wall School Multipurpose Room. The Wall Methodist Youth Group will provide food as a fundraiser, and there may even be surprise entertainment!
This is how YOU can make a difference! If you are tired of complaining about a problem and want the chance to make a change, do not miss this meeting! Join us to learn about what ideas our Marketing Hometown America teams came up with, and discover how you can play a small part in making a huge impact!
If you are interested in learning more about WEDC and our goals or projects, or would like to be involved, never hesitate to contact us!
As always, thank you for being such a great community. It is because of you we have it all in Wall!
Cheyenne McGriff
WEDC Executive Director
?(605) 279-2658?
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