April Newsletter
1 Apr 2021
Having a greater understanding of how the lifeblood of a community flows really helps to create community for the people who live in it, the folks we serve.
Wall Economic Development launched a Pilot Project of Leadership Class in January.
The objective of the class was to develop leadership potential existing in our community in order to continue to provide civic organizations in the Wall area with quality civic leaders.
During this program participants had an opportunity to learn about:
- How to present yourself from Image Consultant Kathy Sazama;
- Fire and Ambulane emergency services from fire chief Jim Kitterman and Ambulance Board Treasurer Carrie Shell;
- Law Enforcement from Sergeant Randy Harkins;
- Director duties, roles and responsibilities from Mayor Marty Huether and CEO of WREA Dick Johnson;
- Wall Ag businesses from Wall Meat Processing owners Janet Niehaus and Ken Charfauros, Jerry Cope from Dakota Mill & Grain and Program Director Farm & Ranch Management from Western Dachota Tech Kaden Eisenbraun;
- Growth potential in Wall and Black Hills region from President and CEO Elevate Rapid City Tom Johnson.
13 individuals completed Leadership Class 2021: Andrew Ferris, Bailey and Clint Stangle, Carolynn Anderson, Carolyn and Allen Schulz, CJ Schulz, Kelsey Clark, Ridge and Kennedy Sandal, Steven and Michelle Edoff, and Zach Hoffman.
Wall, along with Faulkton and Timber Lake, are the communities that have been selected to participate as agritourism hubs. Participants in the program that are local to these communities will work together with other community partners to foster their community as an agritourism destination. These hubs will serve as community models that other participants can recreate in their own local communities.
During the two-year program, participants will engage with each other and experts through face-to-face workshops and interactive webinars, networking, and out-of-state learning experiences where they will meet with Case Study Coaches that have strong agritourism enterprises. Participants will be coached through the process of enhancing or developing their agritourism business with the goal of beginning their agritourism business by the end of the 2-year class period.
Workshops will take place throughout the state; participants are expected to provide their own transportation to most in-state events. Other expenses associated with the meeting (hotels and meals) will be covered by AgritourismSD. The program is open to all farmers and ranchers who have less than 10 years of agritourism experience. Producers must have started an agritourism business or possess a strong desire to add one to their operation. Up to 20 operations will be selected based on an application and a webinar interview. Husbands and wives, siblings or direct family members can apply. Participants must make a two-year commitment to the program and take an active role in all program components. The registration fee is $1,250 per individual.
Wall Economic Development together with the city of Wall hired a Coach for AgritourismSD. The deadline for the applications is met. Selected applicants will be announced in the next month or so.
We would like to invite you to participate in our “Mailbox Project.” The Wall Economic Development and the City of Wall are working together to encourage our young people to first go out and see the world, attend school, join the military or gain other experience, then return to Wall to become lifelong residents.
The Wall Economic Development has purchased mailboxes to decorate for each of the 18 graduating seniors. We will write their name and Wall, SD on each of the mailboxes. We also plan to write them a letter encouraging them to come back to Wall. Working from a business point of view, we want to encourage them to come back and either start a business or be involved in our current Wall businesses.
We would love to have you as a part of this project. Would you be interested in making a small gesture for our graduates? You can donate an item, write a letter, reach out to a specific senior that you would like to encourage to come into your business, or anything you would like to include.
The idea of the project is to encourage our young people not to forget that their ideas or dreams are never too small. They can get a great start right here in their hometown. We hope you will join us in celebrating our young people!
Please, contact Executive Director of WEDC, Liliya Stone at 605-279-2658 or walledd@gwtc.net
On April 19-23, 2021 the WEEK OF WOORK initiative will provide 10th and 11th grade students in South Dakota an opportunity to explore their career interest and be matched with work experience provided by employers.
Wall Economic Development and Wall School District are working together to bring a career awareness to the students. Many activities will be offered virtually this year. But few students will be matched with businesses through a job shadow opportunity.
Working with the Wall City Council, the Wall Economic Development Corporation has established an 85-acre light industrial park located north of Wall’s municipal airport off I-90 Exit 109. We encourage companies who would like to expand or relocate to consider the Wall Industrial Park. Lots in Phase I are being developed and have access to electricity, water, and fiber optic.
Wall, SD is in the geographic center of the U.S., making it the ideal spot to reach customers nationwide. This, combined with natural resources and space availability, make it an ideal location for small agricultural value-added businesses, precision ag companies and high-tech manufacturing.
Investments in properties in the Wall Industrial Park are eligible for tax incentives. The Wall City Council recently approved a property tax discretionary formula that provides a tax break on a new industrial and commercial structures for up to five years.
We are thankful for continued dedication of our members to our cause. Our organization is strong because of our members.
Gold Business Investment Level
Business Investment level
Individual Investment Level
Anderson Carolynn
Geigle Charon
Geigle Josh
Kjerstad Kalie
Kjerstad Susie
Kitterman Stacy
Williams Mary