Hang in there…. Spring is almost here!

1 Mar 2019


Stock Show

stock show display

With the Stock Show being over we would like to share the feedback.

Numerous people showed their interest in the Wheeling to Wall event as well as many of them who would like to explore a variety of scenic roads around Wall. Many senior citizens and people from around Wall area know its surroundings. However we have noticed younger generations from other states are not that familiar with our beautiful region. And that’s why it is important to promote our town and get the word out. Huge thank you goes to the people who helped us with the Wall booth: Cheyenne McGriff, Dave Olson, Dani Herring, Bruce Dunke, Carolynn Anderson, Mary Williams, Kelsey Clark, Mandy Reuwsaat, Kallie Kjerstad, Dustin Curr, Dawn Hilgenkampt, Jerry and Kim Morgan, Marty Huether, Mercede Hess and Kellie Nixon.

Family Valentines dance

Think about the last event you attended. Did you have fun and meet new people? Events connect people to other like-minded individuals who share the same passions as them, and they are an awesome way to celebrate the amazing community we live in. Once again thank you to the Creative Community Concepts for Family Valentines dance. And big shout out to the community folks in attendance.

cupcake display

valentine's booth

Being involved with our community is all about building relationships: with the community, with business leaders, with area businesses, and most importantly, with the citizens of Wall. As a local Economic Development Corporation, we feel it is our duty, and also privilege, to serve our community.

Red Rock is under new ownership.

Ken and Janet are the proud new owners of Red Rock Restaurant and Lounge. We are very excited for this new journey to come. With all work they’ve done for our community, Wall is very fortunate to have them here.

new owners


Jitterbug daycare has been recently purchased and is under a new ownership. The new owner Tammara has big plans for her new business. We look forward for daycare to be open. We will keep you updated.

jitterbug exterior

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