What happened in Wall
4 Sep 2018
Congratulation everyone on the first day of school and the first day for me. We said goodbye to Cheyenne McGriff last month. She did a great work for this community and she was the first one, who paved the path for Economic Development Department in Wall. We had our Second Annual Wall Crawl last month. While I wasn’t a part of it yet, it was a very successful event with great food, excellent entertainment choices and wonderful work that has been done by our residents and vendors.
A liitle bit more about me…
Last month I had a chance to briefly introduce myself. However I would like to tell you a little more about myself. I was born and raised in Russia where I received both of my BA and MA degrees. I moved to Wall in 2010 as participant of an international exchange program.
The next couple of years brought a lot of interesting changes into my life. By 2011 I was happily married and we just welcomed our firstborn son Stephon at that time. This is when I started getting to know Wall as a community.
Back in Russia I lived in a city, so Wall felt very different (smaller community, not as many entertainment, shopping or activity choices at first sight). It took me a few years to get used to and actually fall in love with Wall as it is. I wish I had a chance to learn more about all the opportunities offered to community back then, unfortunately I did not know about any of resources, therefore I never had much of the information about our opportunities and events. I was impressed by many interesting opportunities offered to a community, however it made me feel many residents were not aware about them.
As newly appointed Director of Economic Development Department, I am exicited to bring all of the events closer to your attention.
I chose Wall as the place I can call home and raise my children. This town offer safe environment to our children and we have great people residing around here. All that makes this community a great place to live.
I am very excited to work for and with our community. Please do not hesitate to stop by or contact me if you have some interesting ideas or any questions.
I will be using the Annual Business Walk opportunity to get to know you as well as introduce myself to most of the local businesses during the month of September.
Liliya Stone
Executive Director
Wall Economic Development Corporation
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