January Newsletter
30 Dec 2021
Wall Economic Development Sixth Annual Meeting
The Wall Economic Development Corporation held its Sixth Annual Meeting on Wednesday, November 17th. Forty-five people attended the meeting, including elected officials Pennington County Commissioner Chair Gary Drews and Travis Lasseter, and Wall City Council Members Rick Hustead and Dan Hauk.
Mary Williams introduced members of the current Board of Directors: Carolynn Anderson, Josh Geigle, Kallie Kjerstad, Lindsy Reagle, Steven Edoff, and high school board representatives Sierra Hilgenkamp and Norman Livermont.
During the President’s Report, Mary Williams compared Wall Main Street in the Summer to Wall Main Street in the Winter--saying it goes from a vibrant, flourishing street to 75% closed. She recognized the off-main street businesses that serve the community year-round and went on to explain that the purpose of the Wall Industrial Park is for local business retention/expansion and new business attraction. Williams expressed appreciation to the Wall City Council for funding the design, cost of infrastructure, and roadway for the IP Phase I Lots; as well as the Pennington County Commissioners for their $660,000 donation for infrastructure from the park to connect with the city wastewater system. Williams outlined the timeline for the Phase I design, bidding, and construction completion by mid-summer 2022.
Attendees heard from WEDC Executive Director Liliya Stone about WEDC accomplishments which included:
- Development of a newly designed, top-notch website, that shows great images of the area, drone footage of the industrial park, a map of the region, and featured listings. It will market the area to businesses, site selectors, and potential residents.
- Progress on application criteria for Light Industrial Park Certification
- Senior Living Facility discussions regarding the location of the facility, type, and funding options.
- Launch of the Leadership Class 2021 that develops the leadership potential existing in our community to continue to provide civic organizations in the Wall area with quality leaders.
- The SD GOED matching grant was awarded to WEDC for workforce recruitment to attract trade industry workers. The digital marketing effort will promote Wall trade businesses and will launch early in 2022.
- The wage gap grant to the Legacy Child Development Center to prevent closure and to temporarily help with the workforce.
Stone shared the 2022 WEDC Goals which are: industrial park infrastructure, industrial park certification, marketing phase I lots, update of Why Wall promotional video, recruit trade workforce, and increase housing.
Guest speaker, Joe Fiala, Partner Relations Director, Governor’s Office of Economic (GOED), spoke about the vision of economic development and the focus of SD GOED Office. He conveyed there is a lot of interest by companies wanting to do business in South Dakota.
Recipients of the WEDC awards were:
Business Development Award: Jody Gallino and Rhonda Williams
Community Development Award: Donna Crown and Betty Haerer
Citizen Leadership Award: Charon Geigle
Friend of Economic Development Award: Dick Johnson
Carolyn Anderson, Josh Geigle, and Marty Huether, retiring directors, were recognized for their significant contribution over the last five years.
Preston Johnson and Kendall Tice were elected to the WEDC Board of Directors for three-year terms.
The WEDC Board of Director Officers elected for 2021 were: Mary Williams, President; Lindsy Reagle, Vice President; and Kalie Kjerstad, Secretary/Treasurer.
Wall Leadership to begin January 2022
Wall Economic Development knows that having a greater understanding of how the lifeblood of a community flows really helps to create a community for the people who live in it, the folks we serve. In order to develop leadership potential existing in our community to provide civic organizations with quality leaders, an investment must be made in developing leaders. That’s why Wall Economic Development Corporation has launched the Wall Leadership class in 2021.
The 2022 class is set to begin on January 10, this 3-month program helps to broaden community awareness and provides background and insights that help participants to understand their leadership position in the community.
Wall Leadership Class of 2022
- CJ Tice, Dakota Sky Stone
- Daniel Charfauros, Red Rock Restaurant
- Emma Michael, BHFCU
- Garrett Shearer, WREA
- Hope Dennis, First Interstate Bank
- Kailech Kier, Wall Drug Store
- Kaylynn Grimmet, Wall Drug Store
- Kendal Tice, Dakota Sky Stone
- Kyle Barber, Poseley Construction
- Linda Hiltner, Forest Services
- Meghan Patterson, Student at BHSU
- Solomon Stone, Wall Drug Store
- Tate Eisenbraun, Eisenbraun Cattle Company
- Timmy Grimmet, Golden West Telecommunications
- Wendy Allison, BHFCU
Workforce marketing Campaign
The workforce recruitment campaign will begin in January and run through December 2022 throughout the states of North Dakota and Colorado. WEDC is targeting trade industry workers.
The goal of the campaign is to encourage individuals to consider moving to Wall, SD, and apply for a job/s. It was recommended to Wall Economic Development to use a multi-media campaign. It will create awareness for people who are actively looking for jobs, utilizing digital channels. Channels include paid search and website retargeting. This combination of mediums allows us to drive job seekers to the website to learn more about job openings and the benefits of living in Wall
Wall School and Wall Economic Development hosts Multicultural festival
When children learn about another culture’s traditions, they develop a sense of care for that tradition and care for another culture.
It is important to learn about other cultures, religions, and holidays aside from our own. It is important to learn about some of the unique and amazing things that come from other cultures and ways of life. It is important to think beyond stereotypes.
Wall Economic Development and Wall School District hosted a Multicultural Festival and bead workshop. The Wall School students had an opportunity to learn about other countries, such as Taiwan from Lucy Hoffman; Philippines from Pauline and Mira; South Sudan from Kailech Kier; Russia from Liliya Stone and Daria Sokolova; and Bulgaria from Mariella. Kids tried a traditional dish from the country they’re learning about. They also had an opportunity to participate in the bead workshop prepared by Monique Renville from Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe.
This is the way we can learn how to relate to others. It can show us how much we have in common as human beings.
4th Annual Parade of Lights
On December 2nd Wall Economic Development Corporation held the Fourth Annual Parade of Lights.
Floats were presented by: the City of Wall, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Wall Grocery Store, Cedar Butte Challenge 4H Club, Little Outpost, Old Macdonald Brigade, Wall Building Center, First Interstate Bank, Dakota Sky Stone, West River Electric Association, M&M sales, Golden West Telecommunications and Wall Badlands Area Chamber of Commerce. After the Parade everyone had a chance to warm up at the Winter Dance.
A team of three judges scored all the entries following the judging criteria of the overall experience, construction quality, originality, and costume enhance the float theme.
The Christmas Star of the Parade Award was presented to the City of Wall “Santa’s Little Helpers Workshop”. The Best Santa’s Workshop Award was presented to the First Interstate Bank “Polar Express”. Most Unique Christmas Cheer Award was presented to Dakota Sky Stone “Mater Christmas”. And Wall Economic Development Choice Award went to West River Electric Association “Grinch/Whoville theme”.
As a host, Wall Economic Development would like to thank participants for taking the time out of their busy schedules and making this event a great success.
Thank you to KDoll Camera Captures for the photos.
Industry Breakfast
WEDC Membership
We are thankful for continued dedication of our investors to our cause.
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