November is the month to remind us to be thankful for the many positive things happening in our life.

31 Oct 2019


“Beef to School”

Congressman Dusty Johnson visited Wall School on October 9th and recognized the importance of “Beef to School” program.

school lunch

lunch line

“Beef to School” was started earlier this year as a pilot program in Wall School District. As a result, “Beef to School” became a sustainable program and later got a boost by the other schools in our region. Moreover, it was recognized multiple times by our state government authorities.

Census 2020:  What’s at Stake

The United States Constitution requires a count of the population every ten years. In 2020, United States of America will get its chance to count every resident, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Counting everyone is important! Rock the Vote estimates that a community will lose $20,000 in funding over a ten-year period for every individual not counted. This means that just one family of five not counted translates to a loss of $100,000 over ten years. In short, the economic health of communities’ hinges on making sure everyone is counted in 2020.

Census data is critical – it’s the basis by which political power and federal money is distributed in our communities. The number of congressional seats and Electoral College votes each state gets are determined by census numbers. Census figures are used to allocate more than $675 billion in federal funding to local communities. These federal dollars support essential programs on the state, county, and community levels and impact housing, education, transportation, employment, health care, and public policy. There are 55 census-guided federal programs targeted to rural communities alone. Without a complete and accurate count of the population, communities will not get their fair share of federal funding and miss out on much-needed funding opportunities.

There’s more to census data than just funds distribution. Businesses use census data to decide where to build factories, offices and stores. Local governments use census data for public safety and emergency preparedness. Residents and nonprofits use data to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality of life, consumer advocacy, and grant applications. Real estate developers use data to make decisions on housing construction and neighborhood revitalization. Economic developers should care about this count!

So, what can you do? Not only can you be a part of the Census, but you can also help us spread the word about the importance of the 2020 Census.

census 2020

WEDC Membership

Wall Economic Development Corporation always welcomes local businesses and individuals to become investors/members of WEDC to help our community to grow.

The goal of Wall Economic Development is to improve the quality of life of residents in Wall.

Upcoming Events

Economic Development Overview
Date: November 20th
Time: 12 pm
Place: Wall Community Center

WEDC Annual Meeting
Date: November 20th
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Wall Community Center

parade of lights

investors members

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