2023 Holiday Events and Activities in Wall, South Dakota: More Fun Ahead!

21 Dec 2023
A Season of Comfort and Excitement in Wall
The City of Wall is off to a great start this holiday season which kicked off with this year’s Parade of Lights, held annually by Wall Badlands Area Chamber of Commerce. The event was a fun-filled success and the perfect kick-off for winter festivities to come.
Winners were announced for a prize of $200 Wall Bucks. The Brightest Christmas Star Award went to West River Electric, the Festively Unique Award went to First Interstate Bank, and the Christmas Spirit Award went to the City of Wall. The City of Wall will be donating their winnings to the Country Cupboard Food Pantry.
It doesn’t end there. The holiday season is still alive this year in Wall. Whether you plan to attend a party, shop special sales at local retailers, or find a charity event where you can donate and/or volunteer, it is a wonderful time to gather with friends and family to celebrate the season of giving and new beginnings.
Find Free Winter Activities in Wall
Wall offers a host of activities for adults, kids, and families, from cozy entertainment to lively celebrations. While there are many activities you can pay for that will go toward the local economy, free activities for those on a budget are also available.
For example, you can bring your kids to the Wall Community Library to mail their letters to Santa! Adults are also welcome to send Santa a letter. The Wall Community Library also holds Story Hour on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Shop Small for the Holidays
Shopping can also be considered a holiday activity, as retailers fill their storefronts with unique gifts that you can purchase for your loved ones and delightful treats for the New Year ahead. While buying gifts for your friends and family at small businesses in Wall, you are also helping those businesses and supporting our local economy. Stop by some local shops and restaurants in Wall to see what deals they have to offer or ask about holiday events coming up.
Attend a Charity Event
Charities and non-profit organizations often hold events and fundraisers during the holiday season. Even if there is no specific event planned, it is always a kind gesture to volunteer at a non-profit and organizations throughout Wall appreciate all the help they can get.
If you can’t make time to volunteer, you can always make a donation. Be sure to keep Wall-based non-profits in mind when looking for activities this month and in the new year. Volunteers are always welcome.
Spread the News!
We are in a season of giving and making new memories, so make sure to spread cheer by sharing events that others might be interested in on social media. Our local events are one of the many reasons that Wall residents enjoy living and working here and with effective promotion of various activities, we can attract more visitors to our community. Do you know of any upcoming holiday or winter events in December or January?
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